viernes, 13 de febrero de 2009


1. Country Name: Myanmar

2. Conflict: Cyclone victims need help to rebuild livelihoods

3. Copy the headlines and the link to a news item reporting on that conflict:
Myanmar: cyclone victims need help to rebuild livelihoods – UN

4. Summarize the news item in your own words in 5 - 8 sentences:
The problem is that Cyclone Nargis that had hit Myanmar a year ago. It had made several damages on livehoods, agriculure, and had destroyed all resources that Myanmar people need to rebuild there homes. So the UN is helping the people on Ayeryarwady Delta that was the hardest hit point. Cyclone Nargis had destroyed all the rice fields on Ayeryarwady Delta, so those people doesn't have income, they lost there tools to rebuild the community, and they lost the agriculture.

5. Describe the conflict:
Cyclone Nargis had hit Myanmar a year ago, mostly on the Ayeryarwady Delta and had destroy everything, including all the agricululture, the rice fields, all the homes of the people, their tools to rebuild the town, etc. So now the UN is trying to making them get resources when the UN arrived at Yangoon on the 26 of January of 2009. This cyclone caused high livestock mortality, one third of fishing house-holds lost their livehoods. The most important thing is that, the cyclone destroyed all the rice production and now is expected to be half of what it was on 2007.

6. Explain why the conflict happened. Which ones are the roots of the conflict?
It happened because its a natural disaster and no one can do anything to avoid them. But I think that the main root of this conflict, is that Myanmar is the most poor country in Asia, so the UN needs to help them to rebuild what it is damaged, for example if this cyclone would have been in the U.S, Germany, Canada, Japan, etc; maybe there was not going to be any conflict because their governments can pay the disasters, but not with Myanmar, the country doesn't have money for this disasters and it needs help.

7. Answer:
a) Who is involved in the conflict?
Myanmar (people and government), and the UN.
b) Where is it happening?
On Myanmar coasts basically, but the hardest hit point is Ayeryarwady Delta.
c) When did it happen and how long has it been going on?
This cyclone happened a year ago on 2008, but it still going on, but now that the cyclone ended they are trying to rebuild all the towns the rice fields, etc.