jueves, 12 de marzo de 2009

News Analysis

1) German Gunman 'Warned of Attack'
Who: Tim Kretschmer, German teenager
Where: Winnenden and Wendlingen (Germany).
When: March 11, 2009
Why: Was a woman hater, he showed warning signs of being emotionally disturbed. He always played shooting video games. He was obsessed with heavy metal music and guns. When he graduated from school with bad grades his father took him to a mental institution in which he was treated for several times. His dislike women because he said that they were always unfair. These problems in Tim´s mind were really heavy so he decided to attack the school.
What: The teenager had killed 15 people (students and teachers). He killed 9 students, 8 were girls, 3 of them teachers and 3 were students.

2) Gunshot Hit 5 Young Men at Chicago School
Who: Some gunmen inside a silver truck.
Where: Chicago, Illinois. South Chicago.
When: Thursday, January 8, 2009
Why: Nobody knows, they were only shouting 'they're shooting!'.
What: 5 teenagers were injured, when they were walking to the basketball gymnasium.

3) Gunman had list people 'who done him wrong'.
Who: McLendon, Michael.
Where: Alabama, United States.
When: March 10, 2009
What: A person killed 10 people, including his family and then he killed himself.
Why: Some say the he was forced to resign Reliable Metals.

4) 2 Dead and 13 Wounded in California School Shouting
Who: A ninth grader.
Where: A suburb in San Diego, California, United States.
When: March 5, 2001.
What: A ninth grader (15 years old) pulled a gun and opened fire, killing at least two and 13 wounded.
Why: Officials said they did not know what the motive was.

5) Texas city official: Mass shooting left scars, but Killeen 'resilient'
Who: George Hennard (35 years old).
Where: Killeen, Texas, United States.
When: October 16, 1991.
What: George went into a cafeteria and he opened fire, killing 3 people, 20 wounded people, and then he shot himself.
Why: He chose his victims.

6) Columbine High School Massacre
Who: Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold.
Where: Colorado, United States.
When: April 20, 1999.
What: Two students killed 12 students and a teacher, 23 were wounded, and then they killed themselfs.
Why: Eric Harris was angry with society, and they don't know why he did that.

martes, 3 de marzo de 2009

News - Cuban shake-up claims key figures

Cuban Shake-Up Claims Key Figures

Who: Raul Castro, Carlos Lage, Felipe Perez Roque. Cuban polititians.
When: Tuesday, March 3, 2009.
What: Raul Castro announced a reshuffle that includes the removal of two of the country most prominent polititians.
Why: Raul Castro wants to put his personal stamp on a government that still bears the mark of his brother (Fidel Castro). So Raul Castro removed Carlos Lage and Felipe Perez Roque, because they were possible candidates for the presidency.
Where: Cuba

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009

News Analysis

1. Who is Robert Mugabe? How long has he been in power? How popular is he?
Its the Zimbabwe President. He has held power as the President since 1987, since 28 years. Mugabe is hailed by many Africans as a hero, but he is not popular on his country because of his spends habits on this poor country.
2. Who is Morgan Tsvangirai? Which is/ has been his political role?
Its the Zimbabwe Prime Minister, the President of the Movement for democratic change and the key figure of the oppostion of President Robert Mugabe. It rules with Mr. Mugabe in a shared government.
3. What happened during last year's elections? Which was the outcome?
The three major candidates were President Robert Mugabe of the Zimbabwe African National Union - Patriotic Front, Morgan Tsvangirai of the Movement for Democratic Change, and Simba Makoni, an independent. As no candidate received an outright majority in the first round, a second round was held on 27 June 2008 between Tsvangirai and Mugabe. Tsvangirai withdrew from the second round a week before it was scheduled, citing violence against his party's supporters. The second round went ahead, despite widespread criticism, and led to victory for Mugabe.
4. Whis is the economic situation in Zimbabwe? How do the people feel about this?
It is a very poor country, and it has the highest inflation in the world. People are angry that a President has $250,000 birthday party when people doesn't have clean water or hospitals.
5. What do you think about the celebrations and the lavish party?Based only on the article below, define a conflict.
Its inmoral. Its the same as Mexico, that the rulers have big houses, nice cars, great parties, when at some places they do not have schools, hospitals, or even food.
  • a) Give the conflict a name and explain why you think it is a conflict.
  • The inmoral party, it is a conflict because people of the same country fight over it.
  • b) Who is involved and why?
  • The citizens of Zimbabwe and Mugabe supporters.
  • c) Explain in detail why the conflict has happened.
  • Zimbabwe is in great need of hospitals, doctors and nurses because of the cholera outbreak that has killed more than 3000 people, and the ruling party instead of raising money for this disaster, raises money for a party for the president.
  • d) Give a timeline of events (at least 5) related to the conflict.
  • August 20, 2008: The cholera outbrake epidemia broke.
  • Februry 21, 2009: Mugabe's 85th birthday and started getting money for his party.
  • February 27, 2009: Tsvangirai visited Harare Hospital.
  • February 28, 2009: Mungabe spent 250 000 in his clebration.
  • March 1, 2009: Appealed to the international community to help Zimbabwe's crippled economy.
  • e) How do you think this conflict can be solved and why?
  • I think the only solution that can solve this problem is that the people that support Mugabe could take him out of the presidency, so they put another president that the people could choose.