lunes, 12 de enero de 2009

Activity 1 - War between Israel and Gaza

Where is Israel?
-Israel its located on Middle East
North: Lebanon, Syria
East: Syria, Jordan
West: Mediterranean Sea, Egypt
South: Red Sea, Egypt, Jordan

Why was Israel created?
-After World War 1, the British Government was put in charge on the region of Palestine. Israel was created in 1948 after years of intense efforts to establish an official homeland for Jewish people. After the Holocaust, on World War 2, the United Nations support Jewish people. On 1948, Israel was proclaimed a country.

Where are the Palestinian Territories?
-Israel and the world did this Palestinians territories, so the Palestinians live on those territories so it could be no war. This Arabs are basically on three territories:
-West Bank, which is at the center of Israel, it borders Jordan, and on the border of this territory it's the city of Jerusalem.
-Golden Height which is bordered to Jordan, Syria, and Lebanon.
-Gaza its located on the corner of Israel, bordered with Egypt and Mediterranean sea; on this territory is where this horrible war is happening.

1. What is happening in Israel and Gaza?
-Israel is fighting with Hamas, the Islamist group that governs Gaza. Hamas is considered a terrorist organization by the United States. Hamas said it is a religous duty to eliminate Israel.

2. How many Palestinians have died and how many Israelis?
-900 Palestinians and 13 Israelis up to January 12th, 2009.

3. What is Hamas?
-Hammas is a group of Palestine people which is considered a terrorist group, and it's religous duty is to eliminate Israel.

4. What was the U.S. response to the attacks?
-The U.S. is against the terrorist attacks from Hamas, and supports Israel's decision to attack Gaza.

5. What happened when Israel was declared a state in 1948?
-It was immediately invaded by armies from Arab States like Sryia, Jordan, Egypt, etc.

6. What did Israel agree in the Oslo accords?
-Israel agreed withdrawing from parts of Gaza Strip and West Bank.

7. How did Hamas come to power in Gaza?
-Hamas won the elections of Gaza, and had power on the government.

The New Meaning of an Old Battle
A) To which "old battle" does the article's headline reffer?
-The battle of Israel that has been having with Palestine since it was created.

B) What seem to be the hopes underlying Israel's assault on Gaza?
-To eliminate Hamas at the eyes of the Palestinian people, and reorder the Gaza government.

C) How would a clear Israeli victory affect the region?
-It would be easier for countries like Iran, Jorda, Egypt, Syria, etc; to declare was against Israel.

D) How would a clear Israeli victory affect the United States?
-An international peacekeeping force could clear the way for a restoration of political control in Gaza.

E) Why does Iran have much at stake in the outcome of the current crisis?
-Because it sponsors Hamas and Hezbollah to spread its influence in the Arab world. A defeat of Hamas would undercut that strategy.

F) How likely is it that the Israeli assault will be successful?
-Israel’s attacks also could fail outright, and history suggests that as the more likely scenario, Middle East experts across the political spectrum said.

G)What are some of the divisions in the Middle East that this conflict has highlighted?
-Egypt, whose peace treaty with Israel is anathema to militants in the Middle East, kept its border to Gaza largely shut last week, and its president, Hosni Mubarak, quarreled openly with the leader of Hezbollah, the Iranian-backed militant Shiite group that now shares power in Lebanon. And at a meeting of the Arab League, Saudi Arabia’s foreign minister gently and indirectly rebuked Hamas for provoking the conflict.

H) What happened in Lebanon in 1982? How are the Gaza attacks similar?
-While Israel was worrying about the negotiation with Yassir Arafat, Hezbollah was rising in Lebanon.

I) In what ways might the attacks on Gaza backfire?
-History says that Israel would fail just as Lebanon 1982.

J) Why does Mr. Abbas say he will walk away from the peace talks begun by President Bush in 2007?
-Fighting was embolding Palestine resistance.

K) What lessons has Israel learned from Lebanon?
-Israel has learned to have lower expectations, and now it is more prepared for war.

M) In what way is the timing of this renewed battle beneficial?
-Before Obama was president of the U.S.

N) How will the Obama administration be able to capitalize on the situation in Gaza?
-All the violent reactions and hate will be sent to the past administration and no to Obama's

1. What is going on in the photograph?
There are three Palestinians escaping to save their lifes.
2. Who is pictured?
Two Palestinians and a Palestinian woman.
3. What can you learn about how the main subject in the photo is feeling from his or her facial expression?
That they are suffering a lot and the only thing they want is to save their life.
4. What might this person be feeling, given what is going on in the photograph?
I think this person is really scared, due to the war they are living.
5. What might this person want to say to the "opposite side"?
I think he will say, that please stop this attacks.

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